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Busy Summer!

1 min read
Hello everyone,

summer 2014 has been quite busy so far! We might not post a lot but it doesn't mean we are doing nothing. 
Past weekend city Bytom and group WWFF held a convention called Animachina in which we participated. Together as WTF Pro.ductions we presented a small group from Ao no Exorcist, starring Niemti as Rin, LinaSakura as Shiemi, Ano777 as Mephisto and Hikaru as Amaimon. Photos takeb by Inochi can be viewed in the gallery! We hope you will like them! 

Also the presentation is below:

Apart from Ao no Exorcist, WTF Productions and Friends presented a group from Vocaloid and won a prize for the best presentation. You can view the presentation below: 

The Summer is not over yet, so onwards! Onto the cosplayland : ) 
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Cześć wszystkim! Dawno nas tu nie było co jednak nie oznacza, że byłyśmy bezczynne. Wręcz przeciwnie!
Z wielka przyjemnością informujemy, że prace nad nowym video-niespodzianką ruszyły pełną parą, więc spodziewajcie się małego co nieco w okolicach listopada.

Kolejna sprawa to nasze konto na facebook'u: WTF Productions , które ruszyło w zamian za stronę WWW nad którą niechybnie straciłyśmy panowanie.

Zapowiadamy również, że w naszych planach znajduje się kilka cosplayów, które mogą Was zainteresować oraz, że szykuje się scenka.

Oraz informacja dodatkowa: Inochi zaprasza Was do zapoznania się z jej pracami fotograficznymi TUTAJ. Mamy nadzieję, że się spodobają!

W takim razie do maszyn i klawiatury, oby siły i pomysłów nigdy nie zabrakło! Do usłyszenia i dzięki za uwagę!


Hello everyone! We haven't been here for a while, though it does not mean we've been lazy.
With great pleasure we inform you that our new surprise-video is in progress. We're planning on finishing it somewhere near November, so be patient!

Next thing is our own facebook page WTF Productions . We demonstrate it to you cause our website died naturally.

What's more - we've got many cosplay plans which you can find quite catching and there's also a script-in prigress for our new skit.

Bonus info: Inochi would like to invite you here  INOCHI PHOTOGRAPHY. She hopes you will like her work!

Well then, let's all have inspiration and power to create great things! Till next time, guys! Thanks for stopping by!

:heart: WTF Productions

no subscription no photos :c
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NIEMTI:Zastrzegam sobie prawo do moich własnych opinii. Jeśli coś kogoś obrazi proszę zwracać się do mnie, a nie burczeć i buczeć na całą grupę. Do czego to doszło, że trzeba o takich rzeczach pisać.

ENG: Hi guys! This must be some kind of a crazy ride! We used to write long notes with photos, but this time you had to wait like, very long, for any news!
We're really sorry! Now, let's get straight to the point!

PL: Witajcie wszyscy! Jeżeli niej est to jakaś szalona jazda, to ja nie wiem co się dzieje. Kiedyś pisałyśmy w czasie o wszystkim co się działo, a teraz? Musicie nam darować. Wiele problemów i czasowych i osobistych i bla bla bla, ale nie o tym tutaj rozprawiać, bo jak już piszę to wypiszę i opiszę. Tak też zapraszam do lektury! Trochę mamy do nadrobienia!


:bulletblue: KoneCon 3 - 07/2010
ENG: A lot of things happened during this one. There were swears, probably tears and other dramatic stuff, cause one part of the group wanted to rest and use the holiday season, having their butts fried in the sun, when the second part wanted to work oh-so-very-hard-ohgod. In the end, we managed to cope with each other, as we had to lead the whole cosplay part of the convention.

This year - The Wild West theme of KoneCon 3! Everyone dressed in style, in hats and checked shirts! I, personally, really liked the outcome, though the atmosphere was kinda tense.
Apart from that, we've also had a short performance with Heart no Kuni no Alice! At last! We were able to show our costumes and presentation. All the photos, though there are not many, are in our gallery! We really hope you'll like it!

(Click the picture to watch)

KoneCon 3 have also had a kind of Disco Party called "Stodoła Party" what means "The Barn Party", but translation is not important in here. The fact that matters is that some of us had some short parts to do during the disco. There were short, let's call them music skits, like "The Fuck Song" or fake concerts of Disney Stars, like Hannah Monntana.

PL: Podczas tego konwentu wydarzyło się nawet sporo, chociaż część była nieprzyjemna. Było wyklinanie, marudzenie, trochę kłótni i zapewne łzy, ponieważ grupa nie do końca potrafiła się zgrać. Mimo to nieprzyjemności i problemy nie powstrzymały nas przed zrobieniem tego, co zostało zaplanowane, a mianowicie poprowadzeniem cosplayu!

Tego roku, KoneCońska edycja minęła pod znakiem Dzikiego Zachodu! Wszyscy w kapeluszach, koszulach, kowbojkach i innych tego typu akcesoriach prawie jak Brokeback Mountain! Haha
Osobiście, bardzo podobało mi się całe założenie, dekoracje i to jak uczestnicy wyglądali! Mimo napiętej atmosfery byłam w stanie cieszyć się z tego co zastałam.
Dodatkowo jeszcze należy wspomnieć, że podczas KoneConu 3 udało nam się wystąpić ze strojami i prezentacją z Heart no Kuni no Alice. Jak  na ilość prób, khem khem khem, wyszło nam, khem khem khem, całkiem nieźle, khem khe tego o próbach wcale nie widzieliście

Podczas konwentu odbyła się również Stodoła Party, gdzie LinaSakura wystąpiła w dwóch występach jako Hannah Monatana.


:bulletpink: Balcon 2010
ENG: After last year train problems and illness I had big contraindications about this convention. Still, we had to start the whole cosplay part with our dance and we were not able to resign from the project in the last moment though some people forgot about our part in there and caused some unpleasant situations and problems, pfft

As I wrote above - the dance. Yeah, we had to practise like mad-women, cause earlier we had no time or opportunity to try it in the whole group. Dancing, dancing, swearing and dancing, sweating. It was the worst part, I'm telling you!

(Click the picture to watch)

Girls Generation/SNSD - "Tell Me Your Wish (Genie)"

We also had a short skit, which was something between parody of Twilight and LOTR, though opinions were really different. Ah well, people like sayind offending things about those who really try to do their best for others.</sub> Let's not think about it and see what else happened!

(Click the picture to watch)

It's worth mentioning that LinaSakura had a small part in XDLOL's skit and in a "Hercules" song performance.

For me, this year edition of Balcon was like milion times better than the previous one. Apart from some complications which, as everyone knows, are always and everywhere, everything went smoothly and nicely and we really hope that people liked what we did!

PL: Po zeszłorocznych problemach z dojazdem Balcon był konwentem na którym nie chciałam się pojawiać. Trauma i trauma i już człowiek przekreśla COŚ, bo trauma. Jednak, mimo wszystko, pojawić się trzeba było, gdyż jako grupa zgłosiłyśmy się do rozpoczęcia gali cosplayowej tańcem nie wspomnę o przykrym incydencie oraz wypełnienia czasu międzywystępowego krótką scenką nie wspomnę o przykrym incydencie #2

Jak pisałam wyżej - taniec. Ćwiczyłyśmy jak głupie przez kilka godzin, ponieważ wcześniej nie miałyśmy możliwości, by spotkać się i na spokojnie spróbować tego tańca w całej grupie. Taniec, taniec, nerwy, taniec, pot i taniec, taniec taniec!

Wspominałam również o krótkiej scence, którą przygotowałyśmy. Była czymś w rodzaju parodii Zmierzchu i Władcy Pierścieni z bardzo podzielonymi opiniami na jej temat. Najsmutniejsze jest to, że wypominać i wymyślać teorie potrafi każdy, a przez słówka i plotki powstają historie, które potrafią obrazić i zezłościć osoby zaangażowane. Nie będę jednak rozpisywać się na ten temat, gdyż była to sytuacja nieprzyjemna, a nie chciałabym do niej pod żadnym względem wracać. Niech każdy ma opinie jaką ma.

Warto również wspomnieć, że LinaSakura miała rólkę w scence DXLol'a oraz grała jedną z muz na występie z "Herculesa" podczas balu imperialnego.

Dla mnie ta edycja Balconu była raczej udana. Na pewno o nieokreśloną liczbę razy bardziej niż poprzednia. Gdyby nie parę zgrzytów i problemów wszystko byłoby idealnie!
Wielkie podziękowania należą się oczywiście Dajmosowi, który dbał o nasze żołądki i był jak zawsze miłym i pomocnym Dajmosem! Future'owi, który nie dał się omamić i swoim wzrokiem pogardy numer 5 ustawiał wszystko według własnych planów, Wujowi RadaZowi za jego "Good morning, angels" i ogólne wsparcie, oraz wielu innym!


:bulletyellow: Here I put a short list of conventions we're going to show up on (not everyone of the group but still some members) / podaję również listę konwentów na których pojawimy się całą grupą, bądź pojedynczo. Ciężko jest teraz określić, ale proszę, lista:
Chapter 4: JAPANicon 23.10.2010 – 24.10.2010 Poznań
Hellcon 30.10.2010 – 31.10.2010  Warszawa
NiuCon 3 05.11.2010 – 07.11.2010 Wrocław
CKM5: Samurai no Hi 13.11.2010 – 14.11.2010 Stargard Szczeciński
Wanekon — Wampirkon 17.12.2010 – 19.12.2010 Warszawa

:bulletgreen: Thanks for your attention and support! We really appreciate all your comments and nice words!  /  Dziękuję za uwagę i jeśli ktoś przeczytał do końca, przepraszam za wszelkie błędy i zuchwałość, jeśli kogoś obraziłam. Nie miałam tego w planach. Wasze komentarze i słowa wsparcia są zawsze niesamowicie budujące i gdyby nie Wy wszyscy, mogłoby być krucho!  

With love,
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ENG part

How many months has it been? Well don't event bother to count ... many~
Even  when our journal wasn't too much up-to-date we were still progressing with some work as you can see in our gallery.

So to begin with .. how was on LOVEcon? Well totally hilarious everyone had fun. We even had two cosplay groups from "Vocaloid - magnet version" and "Axis Powers Hetalia". Soon I hope there will be a few photos on our gallery, so wait patiently.

What's up next?
Magnificon8 - Big cosplay group from "Heart no Kuni no Alice"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Większość z Was śledzi niektóre z Naszym poczynań, ale lepiej je wszystkie złożyć do kupy tutaj:
* Grupa Cosplayowa z "Heart no Kuni no Alice" oraz organizacja Coplay Room'a na MagnifiConie8 (LinaSakura i Ano777)
* Organizacja Cosplay na KoneConie3 i organizacja wizualnej strony cosplayu wraz z XDLOL'em na Balconie2

To by było na tyle jeśli chodzi o jakieś większe projekty, małymi kroczkami nadchodzi maj a co się z tym wiąże kolejny szalony projekt, możecie być pewnie ze i tym razem Was nie zawiedziemy ;3
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:bulletblue: Hello there! It's time to update that magnificent journal and write something about things that have happened. Two conventions, KoneCon 2 (Szczecin) and Balcon (Chorzów)</sub>. I'll try to put everything in right order!

KoneCon 2 - we're gonna ma~aake cospla~~ay

:bulletblue: KoneCon 2 was a very busy convention cause, as the title says, our group had to

prepare and hold the whole cosplay thing.
-"Hurry!"-"Come on!"-"Go there and do that!"-"We have to hurry!"-"I'm tired!" - these and

few other were the most used quotes.

:bulletblue: We arrived at the conplace on the day before the whole convention to prepare the main room and things that had been left undone. The good thing was that KoneCon 2 had it's conplace in Szczecin, so actually in our group's 'hometown', if you know what I mean.
We could go home anytime to get needed things so the situation was, I dare to say, comfortable. Tired and exhausted, we went to sleep. Things were getting worse~ : O as many ideas as people gathered there, we also had to deal with curtains and backstage, ehhhh;

:bulletblue: Saturday. The day of the biggest doom and hastiness. Many things were left undone. Everyone was, well, not to say nervous, kinda pissed, but still we managed no to kill each other. Hikaru with no teddyrabbit for Honey, the whole group without uniforms and the needlewoman with no electricity, wigs not styled, costumes not complete, main room not prepared enough. Sweet and cute, ya?

on the right - Chester in The Lion King from the Pride Rock Tamaki aka. lady-killer wig - on the left - Lina in girly almost Honey wig. 'It's time to style' I thought

:bulletblue: I dunno if we are really stupid or lucky or stupidly lucky but we had done
everything what was planned and it came out pretty good. It took us something like two
hours. I hope that people enjoyed the show and that we did good.

We would also like to thank everyone who participated in cosplay! There were so many people with great costumes! Really, the truth is that cosplayers make cosplay - guys, you did great!

Techno, Kyouya, Nekozawa and Honey thinking and judging, which cosplay was the best and which should win</sub>

Here are the winners! Congratulations, one more time! </sub>

:bulletblue: The very next day.
Do you know the smeel of victory? Yeah, kiddin' but we were really happy with the cosplay and the way it turned out. Tired but happy we spend Sunday idly, enjoying ourselves.
I don't remember when things like 'Whose Line' or Fireworks Performance were shown but I know that I enjoyed them and had fun. I suppose, just like everyone else.

Well, enjoying, yeah</sub>

:bulletblue: I haven't mentioned it but the weather was killerlike. Even when the sun wasn't shining it still was really hot and sticky outside. Rainy, sunny, rainy, sunny, sunny, sunny and STICKY.
Of course after KoneCon2 we ended up in travelers favourite eating place - KFC. The clouds broke and it get immediately colder as the rain was pouring. That was nice. Waiting for everyone's trains, eating and still, having fun! Can I call it - after-party? Yes, I suppose that's a good name for that situation.

Happy TEcHNOpl in my gay hat and sunglasses. He'll take you to the gay bar with his gay train of gayness! </sub>

:bulletblue: And that's all. KoneCon2 - really great and successful convention.


:bulletblue: Traveling to Balcon was really painful experience indeed. We ended up in the corridor near toilets [cause all compartments were full] but that's not the point of this note, besides I'll write more about getting back to Szczecin, which was even more painful if possible. Old habits die hard and as to follow convention routine we lead some con-atractions. For instance We did wig styling and voice recording workshops. It was fruitful one can say, it was fun but also tiring as hell.

We also sat as models [also know as victims] at Chester and Euzobjusz's make-up workshops.

:bulletblue: Not only did Niemti cut wigs but also human hair. Overtime was unavoidable.  

:bulletblue: I'm wirting about balcon in short. Everybody tried to deal with various impediments, and they did their best. Despite of different problems such as lack of electricity or terrible journey it was fun to take part in Balcon. It cannot be omitted that Mar-la won 3rd place at Cosplay contest. Congrats! linasakura also won something. A potatoe medal! what is more, Ano had an interesting proposition from old perv.
And by interesting I mean one night stand up in railway station toilette. geez.

:bulletblue: See you at Piernicon!

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Busy Summer! by wtfproductionsskits, journal

Devious Journal Entry by wtfproductionsskits, journal

Long time no see! by wtfproductionsskits, journal

Can't be! Short report from Chapter 1 : LOVE by wtfproductionsskits, journal

KoneCon 2 Balcon by wtfproductionsskits, journal